Monday, November 3, 2008

More Lights

Today we went to another one of the schools we were working at over the summer and replaced some more lights in a kitchen. This one had surface mount lights we took down and replaced with some lay in fixtures. The school board is trying to cut cost's by replacing fixtures or replacing ballast's in many of the schools as possible. When you get a large number of ballast's the cost for electricity is pretty large. It seems like we are getting a lot of these types of jobs now since new construction has slowed down so much.

Yesterday a reader asked about LED bulbs as opposed to compact fluorescent bulbs.
LED bulbs will save you more than a CFL but they are still relatively new so their prices are still kind of high in my opinion and I would guess over time they will go down as more brands become available. I do have some LED night lights installed in my home and I love them.

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