Wow what a day. Just when I thought i seen it all I come across this house. Its been a few years but I have seen this before a home with a foil based wrap under the siding that has become energized. The only reason we went to this house is a contractor we do a lot of work for had an employee get hit yesterday while working on an insurance job here. the contractor wanted someone to look to see what the problem was so he
isn't blamed for it in relation to the insurance job he doing on the home.

After about five minutes in the house it was evident that they had done nothing. notice the harry homeowner job on the left where they used a piece of wood molding and finish nails to partially conceal this wire, and no this had nothing to do with the other problem.

Then in a closet we found this wire laying up against the end of a nail and it
appears to have been smashed into the nail a number of times.These are only a few of the things we found I will put some more up soon.